Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Google analytics is total free tool offered by google for online conversion tracking. ViVi Innovatives helped one of our client who are selling kids furniture through online to configure and measure conversion. Before adding site to google analytics, configure google analytics tracking or google tag on your website. It helps to find who are your audiences and measure acquisitions, behaviors and conversions. If you are new to online world, first step would be adding you website to Google Analytics and index website using google search console. Our recommendation would be configure proper goal conversion and funnel. Google Analytics provides various dimension of data on how people reaching website, interest of audiences, which page user spend more time or less time, locations and mediums

Conversion Funnel

Google Analytics provides effective way to measure funnel direction on how people reach goal and how many steps customer did before reaching goal. Each data points available in google analytics are value adds to Business. If you have any specific question reach us
Conversion Funnel